Les Faules
de Leporida

Video (10’49’’) & performance
On view on: 2023 Festival ExAbrupto (Moià, ES)
Curated by: Laia Casanova y Mercè Alsina
Upcoming: 2025 Les Faules de Leporida. Solo Show. Can Felipa Arts Visuals (Barcelona, ES)
Les Faules de Leporida is an audiovisual and performative narrative framed in speculative interspecies fiction. It is an exercise in magical realism set in a dystopian future in the Barcelona village of Moià. The protagonist is Pollo Matapuces, a troubadour figure from the local popular imagery who carries a rabbit's staff to preserve the magic of traditions. The story recounts their journey of transformation into a hybrid between human and rabbit. To become a rabbit will grant them the power to move through time in order to transform the dystopia into a utopia.
The project stems from research in the Moià archive to generate the story through its images. It is an exercise in reconstructing memory, understanding the archive as a space of prediction in fantasy. The goal is to subvert female and speciesist representation in folklore to create future imaginaries that open up other possibilities for representation. Alicia utilizes the potential of fiction as a tool to depict and trace new paradigms that displace the human and cisheteropatriarchal norms. The intention is to dynamite the dystopia into a multiplicity of futures that may be possible.

Direction, sound, and editing: Alicia Arévalo
Filming and color: Elisa Soto
AI video design: Alejandra G. López (Testigo del Pero)